Saturday, June 18, 2011

Dear Dreams:

Okay dreams... you are making me a bit conflicted. I don't know whether to believe in you or not... It's one thing to hope for something and work towards it. But this is different. You dreams, are different. You are something that not only is hoped for but desired.
I bet you just love that don't you? I bet you just love being there in the back of our minds. Giving us something to look forward to and think about and get all happy about. Well you know what dreams... I like it too. Yes, I admit it. I like having you around.
We both have to admit that sometimes we're not totally in line with reality. And remember that one thing I always dreamed about? MAN aren't we BOTH happy that, that never came true.
You are fun though. You make impossible things come to life. Like that flying dream I have when I'm back at my elementary school and I'm flying over the playground! Awesome! I like you more when I'm sleeping... when I'm awake and it's during the day, some would call it day dreaming, I feel a bit more foolish. Usually because I'll be dreaming up some random experience. Like after I just belted out an awesome show tunes number I've almost got my acceptance speech for a TONY down to a science! Thanks to you of course. Oh, right the part when I feel foolish... well this usually happens while driving and on the freeway I figure no one really sees me, but the minute I'm on the surface streets that dialogue becomes internal. No offense. I'm not ashamed of you at all...Well maybe a bit embarrassed, but not ashamed.
A wise Disney character recently asked 'what if what you always dreamed of turns out to be exactly what you wanted?' (or something to that effect)
I'm sort of stuck right there... really, what if? Dang...that would be literally a dream come true. That's doesn't happen very often. There ya go! Maybe if you just lead me in a more realistic direction we'd have a more fluid, consistent relationship.
Work on that and get back to me.

Thanks Dreams! You're fun!

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