Friday, December 24, 2010

Crazy Christmas Time

So I was thinking about how busy this time of year gets. How we all have so many places to go and so many parties to go to. Suddenly we are filled with thoughts of what to buy for those we love. How to show people we care. It can get very overwhelming. Now I'm not going to complain that we've lost the meaning of Christmas. No, what I have realized is that this is totally the meaning of Christmas. All the things we spend our time on, all the events we engage in, all have to do with those we love. I like that Christmas time is when we all tend to think of one another. Get together with old friends, try and find something for each person that has helped us get through one more year. As hectic as we make it, I think it's fun. There really is no other meaning for Christmas, than thinking of those we love most.
That iss why I'm glad we celebrate the birth of our savior this time of year. He truly gave those he loved most, the greatest gift of all. He descended below us all to come to earth and perform the greatest act. He was only thinking of us when he chose to come to earth. No longer at the right hand of our Father in Heaven where we reigns and rules the Heavens but, down here among those who regarded him as nothing, so that we could one day be with our Father again. So just as we fill this time of year with parties and events that bring us close to each other, I think of how that is just what our Savior did. He caused the event that will one day unite us eternally all together.
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. I hope that each of us was able to and continues to feel of the Love of our Savior, for that is the spirit of Christmas.
Love you!

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