Saturday, October 6, 2012

Student Teaching Tid Bits: Parent Teacher Conference

Welcome to Student Teaching Tid Bits. 
This is where I will do my best to document that which is my experience of being a student while also being a teacher... a bit of a paradox. Want to come along with me through my experience of Student Teaching? Well if you don't then choose not to read.

I had parent teacher conference this week. I'll be honest. I kind of enjoyed it. No! I did not enjoy staying at school till 7:30 for two nights in a row. Especially on a week when I come down with an awful cold and need to be in bed. However, I enjoy meeting people so I liked meeting parents and talking about their students. I almost, almost knew all of the names of the students that came. I saw maybe 10-15% of them though. A few who are struggling. Here are a few things I noticed.

Parents just want to hear how awesome their kids are. So even if they're not awesome. Tell them they are.
Students, also like hearing how awesome they are. This one is very important. I saw improvements in behavior for a few of my students that struggle a bit in class. I just said how much I enjoyed having them and TA DA! They were better behaved in class. Now, it might not be lasting but here's hoping. I need to do better at building my classes up. Even if I don't like them. They need to think that I do. This isn't a new idea, knowing how you're viewed by someone leads you to want to be that way.

Gospel correlation. Our Father in Heaven tells us we're his children. The more we know this and understand it and believe it, the more we become what he sees us to be. His children. With his qualities. I know God to be loving and kind. Yes firm when need be, but never to a point of him no longer believing in our ability to be successful in becoming what he knows we can become. 

I don't expect all the students I ever teach to become Nobel Prize winners. What I do expect, is that I can be able to teach and encourage them to learn in a way that will help them feel progression and successful. That'll mean different results for each student. But those were my best experiences in education, times when I could see and notice my progression. 

So for me. Parent teacher conference was a good thing. I'm not saying I'll always feel this way. But for my first one. It was good.

Oh and it wasn't so awful hearing a few parents say "Well, this was the one table we had to come to. She/He loves this class and both of you." Yes that put a smile on my face.

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