Saturday, April 2, 2011


Today I express my thanks for the Internet. Because of you Internet I was able to listen to the entire first session of General Conference while at work. (Don't worry I'm allowed to do things online while waiting for phone calls.)
 I am also in awe at the power of the spirit. I'm sitting here in a tiny, cream colored cubicle, with nothing around me of significance, and yet while I sit and listen to the words of those called of God to serve us and teach us I am able to feel the spirit and hear the whisperings of his voice. So that I may know what to work on to be more effective in helping build the Lords kingdom on this Earth.
It's a weird feeling when you hear from those ordained of God telling you what to do better and what to work on. Part of me is in remorse for the things that I fall short on every single day, but then the Lord comes in with his kindness and love and feels me with peace that with him all things are possible. With reassurance that all the things I am trying so hard to do, have an eternal effect on me and his kingdom.
I have a difficult time expressing in words my feelings about this gospel. When I try to think of things to describe how I feel about it, my chest just feels with this warm pressure and I want to yell out in gratitude.
Answers are available and peace only comes through the Savior Jesus Christ.


Kathleen said...


Sweet J said...

you are the best person i know. like legit.