Monday, April 25, 2011

Fun Filled Easter

So I had a wonderful Easter Sunday. I woke up and thought "I'm going to make today a good day."
My day was full of things that start with the letter F... Faith, Fun, Fancy, Food, Family, Fussy, Frolicking, Frills, Fur, Fox, and Fumidancid. I shall now explain all.

Faith: I went to hear my uncle speak about the Atonement and he shared how we always need to have hope that the Savior would come. No matter how bad circumstances get, we need to remain hopeful in his saving power.
Fun: My mom and I dyed eggs yesterday. When we were almost done she said, "let's see which ones need help. Oh this one is really ugly!" Me: "That's mine." Mom: "Oh...oops." She was right it wasn't the best. Then my dad came down and wanted to eat one and we told him to eat the ugliest one. In my mind I'm thinking of mine. He says, "Well I'm not sure which one to choose then." In jest of course. In the end he chose my 'ugly' one.
Fancy: I got to wear my new sandals finally! And at church my mom, cousin and I all complimented each others shoes when my cousin said, "We're all just fancy today."
Food: My mom and I made a yummy ham dinner. I ate a lot of it.
Family: It was just my parents and I this year for Easter, but we invited my uncle and two cousins to come too. This boosted the day. We always have so much FUN together. I love being with my family. We really have a strong bond, they are some of my dearest friends.
Fussy: This goes for two instances. One was the 3 year old sitting behind me in church...I was reminded why I loved student wards so much. And the other was my 2 1/2-year-old niece. Man was she a a piece of work. We only saw her for about 20 minutes...her other side of the family got to deal with her the rest of the night. When it's time for her to go she's started saying, "No! I have to go to work!" We're not sure what her job is. But it sounds vitally important.
Frolicking: this is just to reference the Easter bunny, not the fact that I frolicked around the house like a bunny...Not at all!
Frills: My mom made my niece an Easter dress with cute frills on it! Frills meaning ruffles. But that doesn't start with F.
Fur: Again Easter bunny reference.
Fox: We watched "Robin Hood" while decorating eggs. And this most definitely was not the time that I did not frolick around while singing 'robin hood and little john.' ... Ooodelalee!
Fumidancid: This is a word I made up. Not sure of it's meaning... Whoever can come up with the best definition will recieve a fro yo date with me! Or if you live out of state I'll mail you five dollars so you can go get your own. It will also include a letter from me where you can fill in the conversation so it's like you had a fro yo date with me.

All in all it was a great day.


Mallary said...

Your conversation about the eggs sounds exactly like my parents and I. I can't tell you how many times we've had that exact conversation!

Kathleen said...

I see you inherited your mom's and dad's weirdness (I mean that in the most loving way possible).